Monday, July 5

We're now Tweeting!

In order to help people know the bits of information about our trip throughout the day, we've set up a Twitter account. You can go to and find us at HopePointYouth to follow us.

If you don't have a Twitter account and want to follow us via SMS (text message), you can still do so. Here's how:

1. Open up a new text message.
2. Type in: 40404 in the To: field.
3. In the message field, type in Follow HopePointYouth
4. Click Send.
5. They'll send you a message asking you to sign up. It's easy and they'll walk you through it. (I did it on my husband's phone tonight to make sure it worked!)

You may get a message back saying that they can't find that person. Make sure you capitalize the letters H, P, and Y. For some reason it made a difference when I did it.

We look forward to Tweeting with you!

Hawaii Mission Team 2010

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