Saturday, July 13

Brasil Day 1

Brazil. Brasil. Here we are in Brasil, we’ve travelled well over 6000 miles, spent far too many hours in a plane, and have been delivered safely to Pastor Pedro Paolo’s home. It has been a truly amazing journey getting here. From the several months of meetings, servant Saturdays, fundraising, to the planning and packing I have been blessed to be a part of this team. To be able to see and experience so much of what has been shown to me in photos and stories first hand is amazing. The people here are so friendly and willing to help in any way. The team of translators, drivers, and pastors are all so willing to give of their time and energy to help us serve our great Savior.

When we arrived at the airport we were met by Pastor Pedro Paolo, Marcio, Lucianna, and a few other translators. They helped us load our bags into a truck and we began to head to where we would be staying, Nilopolis. The drive was amazing, the way the drivers are able to weave their way through the traffic is truly a dance. I’ve been told the view is the best from the front as you get to see just how close the other cars can be as they pass each other.

At the Pastor’s house we unloaded our bags, found our beds and began to unpack, separating our own belongings from the items brought for the Brasillians. Piles of shoes, candy, toys, coloring supplies as well as basic office supplies. These will find their way to families with care packages, as well as go to the church for the school. Soon after we had our first lunch, if you guessed beans and rice you would be right! It was accompanied by chicken in broth with potatoes that looked quite a bit like pineapples in color. It was so good to have real food as the airline food we had for breakfast was unsatisfying, and had been several hours earlier. To drink, we had the much coveted Guarana, as well as Coca-Cola made with real sugar. We were still tired and feeling like we could drop at any moment, but we still had places to go and things to do to.

Some of us who had been here before went to a market to buy food supplies with the project money to build our care packages while the bulk of us trekked a few blocks away to visit the school and church. The walk was the first time for some of us to experience the true charm of Nilopolis. As you walk you must watch your step, every few buildings the angle of the ground or a new step can be seen. As you cross the street you must watch before you step, the cars zoom by with the expectation that you will not be in the way.

At the school Marcio walked us through showing us the various classrooms filled with kids shouting with joy over the Americans that have come to see them. They would shout hello, and watch as we moved through the halls going up all 3 floors. Soon we returned to the ground level and students asked to take pictures with us, especially those of us with blonde hair. Stephanie S. made a new friend, exchanging contact information with a young girl, Maria. Luke B, Tanner R, and Josiah D., were practically celebrities. Simply being willing to smile and offer a hug could garner you a wave, a smile or even a one-sided conversation in Portuguese. Some of us attempted to use our limited vocabulary to talk with the kids, which often resulted in them laughing at our limited attempts to speak their language. Soon school let out and kids eagerly went into the enclosed soccer/basketball court and played with those of our team that were willing to be showed up by the amazing skills of the Brasilian youth. These kids were fast and very talented players, but were more than willing to share the court with us. They are all so friendly and want us to have the best memories of their home.

We went to the church after finishing the soccer game. This is huge church, with over 2500 people in attendance. Before they built the addition they currently meet in, the people would press in from all places they could to be able to hear the word of God be preached. They would stream in from the back and exit out the front as the next group came in. Marcio helped stress how important our being there was and is. Because of missionaries there is a church here. Because we are here, we will be able to help spread Jesus to more people eager to change their lives and serve our Lord. They really listen and receive the light that we can bring into their world.

We left the church and headed back to Pastor’s Home to rest before dinner. Some napped, other’s chatted playing card games, or hung out with the translators sharing stories and memories. Dinner was another offering of Solange’s wonderful cooking. Beans, rice, and chicken nuggets were the order for the night.

We may have been exhausted, tired from all the travelling, overwhelmed with all the new experiences but we are eager to see what Jesus will do with us as we listen to his prompting. Continue to pray for us, pray that we would be obedient and listen to the Holy Spirit, pray that we will be changed by Him.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

To the team : Guys, I miss you all so much. It's so weird not seeing you around the church today. I'm so proud to see you guys listing to Gods call. You've been waiting a long time to be where you are and I know God is rejoicing that you are where you need to be. Serving. Growing. Spreading the love of Christ.

Leaders: COME BACK! PLEASEEEEEEEE. I miss you guys so much....mehh :( I know that you too are where you need to be. I know that those kids are looking up to you so much. You are influencing their lives just like you've done for me.

Rachel G: Little Sloth. I miss you. And I know your brother does to. If he says differently I'll slap him. You are so beautiful and amazing. And I know sometimes its hard to remember how fabulous God made you. And its easy to get lost. But know that you are Gods child. And you are loved. I'm proud of you little sis. So so proud.

Nicole G: Smartest sister everrrrr! I miss you. So very much. Your smart wit is missing and its not cool :( But, I am very proud that you listen to Gods call. You're such an example. Even to me. I pray that God continues to make this trip a growing process for you. Remember to use your gifts. Ps: my grammar is probably awful... forgive me.