Wednesday, July 13

Day 1... So Far...

Boa Tarde!

We've arrived safely in Brazil and though we are tired and wary, we're excited about the things that are happening here.

Our flight landed roughly on time this morning and we breezed through customs. Praise Jesus for his traveling mercies! Once we made it through customs we met Marcio and Pastor Pedro Paulo (our translator, and host, respectively) who helped us load all 48 pieces of checked luggage, our carry-ons, and all 27 of us into vans. We made an adventurous journey through Rio de Janeiro and Nilopolis and arrived safely at our destination. Once we arrived, we unpacked all the "stuff" we brought with us and separated it into categories. We had a wonderful lunch of chicken, rice, beans, and french fries (yum!) and spent some time getting acclimated and resting!

Nate fell asleep like this. We couldn't resist taking a picture! :)
Some of the girls working on separating toys.
After awhile we journeyed to a local school where we toured the campus and were able to meet some students in summer school. I personally was incredibly touched by a sweet young boy in the daycare class who had down syndrome and we connected. After waving and sharing smiles, he came running over and gave me a big hug and a kiss. I was so touched by his sweet spirit and generosity with his love.
My sweet friend! Please pray for him! :)
Our students (and some of the adults!) were particularly excited to be able to play soccer with these students. I'm not sure which group had more fun! In addition, some of our students began playing hand-rhyme pattern games that both the Brazillian students and our students enjoyed. It was a fun way to make some connections despite the language barriers. We can all definitely enjoy a laugh at ourselves!
After our trip through the school, we continued our trek on foot to the nearby church. Nilopolis church of the Nazarene is a beautiful home to an incredible church body. Pastor Pedro-Paulo and Marcio shared some of the history of the church here in Rio de Janeiro as well as some of the ministry things happening here now. His vision of the church serving the needs of the community and true ministry is inspiring and incredible. I'm not alone, when I tell you that God is doing amazing things here in Brazil and we are blessed to be a part of it! Pastor Pedro-Paulo shared that approximately 1,000 children come through the church each week in addition to parents and other members. Marcio and Pastor both shared that part of the vision of the church is not that we paint walls perfectly or make something spotless, but rather that we spend time with others, and children and let Jesus' love flow through us. It's a challenging thought and concept for those of us who are type-A and detail oriented. I think I'll be stretched this week in that area!
Chatting with Pastor Pedro Paulo, Pastor Brent and Marcio

 Currently, as I type this, our team is playing with some of the families in the church who have come to visit, or are refreshing themselves with showers and rest. In a few hours we will be heading back to the church to help out with the soup kitchen, that has served meals every single day for over 20 years! What an incredible ministry! Pastor shared the story of one of the men who was helped by this ministry this afternoon and we look forward to being a part of it and meeting these people. After that, we will head back to what we are affectionately calling "the compound" for a birthday party and to relax and get some sleep tonight. Tomorrow we head to Dona Marta to work!

Also, I think we mentioned it, but please feel free to leave comments on the blogs. I check them at least once a day and transcribe them for the students (and leaders). It's always encouraging to get a not from home! Thanks again for your love and support. Check back often for updates! Enjoy the pictures!

Blessings - Heidi


Anastasia Montejano said...

For Analyse - so glad to hear that you arrrived safely. I thought of you several times yesterday checked the blog to confirm all is well. So thrilled to know you have this amazing opportunity to serve others and see this part of the world. Your Dad, Arianna and I will continue to read the blog posts daily. Know that you are in our thoughts and prayers daily. Let the adventures begin!

Greg and Gretchen said...

Thank you for the awesome job of keeping us posted. We are blessed by it :) Can't wait to hear more of how God is working in & through each & everyone of you as you all continue on the journey God has laid out before each & everyone of you. Blessings & hugs to all. Greg & Gretchen

P.S. Has Camy hurt herself yet? LOL