Saturday, July 9

Getting To Know You: Nicole G.

Name: Nicole G.
Age: 15
Grade: Going into 10th
Favorite Color: Blue and Green and In-Between
Are you ready to go? As the day gets closer, I think I get LESS and LESS ready (What if I forget something??!)
What are you most excited about? Pretty much all of it: God working in my life and the lives of others, a different culture and language, helping people, stepping out of my comfort zone...
What are you least excited about? I'll admit the whole toilet-paper-in-the-trash-can situation is a little off-putting.
What is God working through you with? It's kind of hard to talk about, but this whole year I've been going through a lot of stuff concerning who I am, my worth, and whether or not people actually like me.
What do you think Brazil will be like? I think the journey itself will be amazing, and I'm hoping that the SPIRITUAL journey will be life-changing!
How are you doing on learning Portuguese? I think I'll be fine as long as there are subtitles!
How can people pray for you specifically? That I'll return from this trip closer to God and with a better understanding of what He has in store for me.

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