Sunday, July 17

Sunday Church

Today we've been experiencing God's love in church.He has been lavishing his love upon us all day. We are blessed!

This morning began with a Sunday School class (in English!) taught by our friend and translator Taesa (Tye-ee-sah). She did a fabulous job of leading us in a study of the Parable of the Talents found in Matthew 25:14-30. In reading over and talking with the students throughout the day I found that many of them were touched by the idea and planned to apply the idea that they need to use the talents that God has given us for His glory. After the Sunday school class, we attended church. While we didn't understand the language we understood the message. His love for us was lavished upon us. The worship was incredible and we loved worshiping with the church here in Brazil. Pastor Pedro-Paulo introduced us and we sang a song in front of the church in English while they sang in Portuguese. We had been fortunate enough to learn the last verse of the song in Portuguese, so we sang it with them. Reigna J. volunteered to share her testimony and did a fabulous job. She shared about her struggle with anger and the need to forgive. It was an amazing time and we are so proud of her for getting up and sharing.

After church we were able to come back and relax before the Sunday evening service. Solange made us an amazing meal and we headed back to church after dinner. After we were introduced, we sang another song, and were blessed to have the church sing along with us in Portuguese. It was such an incredible moment and many of us were moved to tears by the outpouring of love. Luke B. and Nicole G. shared their testimonies tonight and brought the room to tears with their amazing stories. Luke shared about the realization that though his parents were Christians, didn't mean he was and how he had to make that decision for himself and the blessings that have resulted from that decision. Nicole shared about how she has felt invisible for a large part of the past year and how as a result of this trip, and being around these people she is feeling more accepted and valuable. After they shared, Pastor Brent spoke on letting God's love surround us and lavish upon us. I can't express how much it meant to many of us and we found ourselves letting God love on us. Breathtaking and fabulous!

Tomorrow we head to Escaletu to work on the church. This is going to be an emotionally challenging part of our trip. Please pray for us as we experiences sights (and smells!) we may not be prepared for. Pray that our hearts will be open to the experience and that we may see what God wants us to see and learn what He wants us to learn. We come back in 4 days! Sending our love from Brazil!

Heidi & the Hope Point Student Ministries Brazil Missions Team


Unknown said...

I am so glady you guys had a good time in church and i am glady you could song with we pray for you every day and will you please tell Jacque we love her and miss her and we are pround of her so much and all of you guys too

Stephanie J said...

To ReignaAnn & Miguel- We are so proud of you for all that you are doing! Rey- you are an awesome kid! Miguel- My best-friend, miss you more than words. Everyday we pray for you guys and your entire team...We are excited to hear all that God is doing in & thru your experiences! Love you tons- Mom, JessieLynn, Roman & Rhion

Mikayla Evans said...

God really is AMAZING isn't he. the only problem with us Americans is that we have too much pride in the way that we don't see how amazing he is because we are too busy looking at ourselves. I am so happy that this team got to experience the Love of God! :)wahoo!