Monday, July 11

Getting To Know You: Taylor D.

Name: Taylor Debeer
Age: 17
Grade: Freshman in college.
Favorite Color: Teal.
Are you ready to go? YES.
What are you most excited about? Serving others in a new culture, experiencing a new place in the world, and meeting lots of new people.
What are you least excited about? 10+ hours on a plane.
What is God working through you with? Trusting Him in everything.
What do you think Brazil will be like? Very different.
How are you doing on learning Portuguese? Umm well I know ‘Oi’ means ‘Hello’…that’s about it. I bought a dictionary, I’m hoping to learn more on the long plane ride…
How can people pray for you specifically? That I would have an open heart and open mind to everything on the trip.

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