Monday, July 18

Largado No Mumdo

I’ve been struggling all day with what to share with you. All morning I’ve been praying for inspiration, for God to show me, what He wants me to show you. I’ve been watching and praying, never content with my thoughts on what to share. I’ve typed things and erased them, come up with ideas only to toss them aside. I want this to be a place that you can see pictures of the team, but also a place to really see and hear what it is like. I want YOU to experience Brazil as much as possible without actually being here. In my frustration with not coming up with anything, I decided to take a walk.

I wandered through the rooms of the church, feeling a sense of pride over your students as they worked diligently to get the painting done. 

I wandered outside and watched as a group of students huddled around a couple kids and teaching them the colors in English. I watched them laugh together and share life together.  
But that wasn’t quite it.

I watched a dump truck go through the mud, while Collin and I waited for it to get stuck. It didn’t. Collin was impressed.


I watched as Laura sat sweetly with a little girl working on her schoolwork. 

I watched Holly and Katelyn play hopscotch with a young girl. It warmed my heart, but wasn’t quite the thing I wanted to share. 

I watched horses and pigs, dogs and chickens pick through the trash as a small child tried to fly a kite in the street, his mom watching lovingly. But that wasn’t it. 

I listened to the school session going on inside the church walls, but while I thought about sharing that, it’s not for today. 

Today is for graffiti. Today is for not forgetting. Today is for Escaletu. My gaze wandered to the church doors as I sat on the steps looking out. Across the street there is a brick wall. It has graffiti symbols all over it, but one phrase stands apart from the rest. 

Left Out In the World…

I asked Marcio what it meant. When he responded, I knew that was what I had to share. All week I have been watching people and hearing stories about feeling alone, or left out in the world.
It began early on with Stacey talking about her son Frank. Frank has autism. Frank is a kind, generous, funny, loving young man, with an amazing heart. Stacey and I were talking with Marcio about the differences in our cultures. I suggested that in some cultures, children (and adults) with disabilities are completely thrown aside, or "left out in our world", while other cultures, like America accept our disabled. She couldn't have disagreed with me more. While she understood what I was saying, she posited that Frank definitely doesn't feel accepted by the world. This is going to seem incredibly harsh, but more often, we "tolerate" them. We "allow" them to be a part, but we don't hold long conversations with them, we don't include them in our jokes, or our frequent interactions. I have watched Frank throughout this week and seen him alone much of the time. I have seen him eat alone and work alone. I have seen him sit alone and walk alone. His heart is lonely. He has said that on a couple of occasions. Please don't misunderstand me. I believe we are unintentional with our exclusion, that it is a combination of insecurities on our parts, as well as ignorance of the issue, as well as difficulties in communication in some circumstances. My prayer is that our awareness will increase and Frank, and others like him, will no longer be "Left Out in this World". God has designed these people with different abilities, different ways of thinking, his fingerprints are all over them and they are such a blessing to include. Frank has taught me how to live passionately for Jesus, and I love to listen to him share his thoughts on subjects that come up.

Then Nicole spoke. Nicole shared her testimony on Sunday evening. She shared the following.
This past year has been the most spiritually and emotionally trying times of my life. There were a lot of different reasons for this, but the main reason was that it was also the loneliest year of my life. I have always been a shy person. I have trouble talking to people I don't know very well. Because of this, I feel like people tend to ignore me. I have a few close friends, but whenever I'm not with them, whether at school or church, I sit all alone because I'm so afraid that no one else will WANT me to sit with them. I try to tell myself not to care, but it gets harder and harder every time I spend an hour and a half in a group of people and no one even notices that I'm there. It makes me feel like no one really knows me and like no one really wants to. I first realized how horrible this was making me feel a couple of months ago. I was in a church service and the pastor was talking about giving our problems to God. I spent half of the service crying about what I was going through. No one even noticed. It began affecting my relationship with Jesus. I began to retreat inside myself, putting on a happy face, for my friends, family and even God, but hurting so badly inside. But God was always with me, even when it didn't feel like it. He called me to be on this trip and he has surrounded me with the most wonderful group of people to help me through this. Through God's love and theirs, I no longer feel so alone.
I know I have felt invisible before. Her testimony shook me to the core. I sobbed (along with many others on the team and in the room) because I had been there. But the ending of her story is a reminder to us, that no matter what we do, who we are, or what we're doing, God still loves us. God still cares. He wants us to run to him, to throw open our arms and embrace him and each other. Nicole is not alone in this world and neither are any of us. We have each other, and we have Jesus.

Escaleto. You are not left out in the world. You have a loving, Heavenly Father who adores you. Who thinks you are "more precious than silver". You have 27 Americans (and their families now) who know your name, and are praying for you. You have an amazing church in your own back yard who is serving your needs and glorifying Jesus through their servant hood. Films have been made, documenting you and what is happening here. Jesus dwells in this place. Children know a Savior who loves them "more than the stars in the skies". Your future is brighter because of His love and the fact that though you may feel alone on this Earth, your Father is always with you. He longs to know you and be your constant companion. Thank you for letting us share in your story. To be a part of bringing awareness to Escaleto.



Lee said...

I love reading your comments and stories of the days you are there. I was part of the team from right before you and as one of your kids said, it was life changing for me as well. I love to see the pictures of the kids and then the places where we were able to help out. Thank you for writing because until my time arrives to be back(yes, I am planning on moving back) this helps me stay in touch with what is going on, besides what my friends tell me. Thank you for what you are doing there!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey guys !! Its Kessie !! Words can not describe how much I miss seeing you guys at church! You really are a big part of the body of our youth group. You all have many gifts and talents that God has blessed you with and it's such a blessing to see you guys serving and bonding in Brazil. I really wish I could've gone with you all but God has a plan and a reason :) I want you all to remember the things you are learning and to always hold the memories and the people you are meeting close to your heart. I love you all very much and I cannot wait for your return :) -Kessie
P.S. To all the adult leaders, thank you for everything you do. Your lives and involvement in the student ministries are a MAJOR blessings. Oh and Rachel.... I miss you SOOOOO much....Ryan's driving me crazy and your place is a mess.... (hehehe :P )

John Lego said...

Hey Lego's, sounds like you are having an incredible time. We are keeping track daily of all going on. It is exciting to hear about all you are doing. We miss you all very much.

Sarah, I am so proud of the young woman you are. You are truly a blessing and I am so lucky God has given me the opportunity to be your father. You are amazing.

Frank, you a truly a man of God and I am proud beyond words to be your father. You amaze me every day. You are an inspiration to me.

Stacey, you are the love of my life and God has truly blessed me with you. You are the most amazing woman I know. I can't wait to hold you when you get back. I miss so much.

We are all doing fine and miss you much. Have a great time for what you have left. You are an amazing group and I could not be more proud of you all. Love me (dad)

Steve Geiger said...

I was moved to tears when I read today's stories. So often we feel unimportant or question God's purposes for us. While man may not always see our hearts (our needs, sorrows, & insecurities)we can rest in the assurance that God has not and will not EVER abandon us. I pray that we will keep our eyes turned outward, seeking out those who feel invisible (even more than we do ourselves).
Nicole- You are an amazing young lady. Not only has God blessed you with an incredible mind, He has also gifted you with a sensitive heart, a passionate spirit, and a witty humor :)!!! I am blessed to call you my daughter and my friend. I love you very much!!!! I pray God will fill you with confidence in your self-worth and allow you to reach out to others who feel just like you. In fact, you could probably talk to anyone on the team, and they, too struggle with self-esteem issues. We are a hurting world and need the healing grace of Jesus.
I love you and Nate very much! Our house is so quiet with you!! Washing dishes is not nearly so lively!!!:) We are looking forward to seeing you and hugging you in just a couple of days. Love, Mom & Dad & Rachel

Pattie said...

My name is Pattie and I am Holly's mom and Katelyn's "other mom"! I have been following you all since the beginning of your trip and praying for you daily. It is so exciting to see what God is doing through you all. I had the opportunity to go to Brazil with Brent a few years ago and I know that the lessons of Dona Marta and Esqueleto will go with you always. For now continue to be the hands and feet of Jesus, love those you are ministering too and allow them to teach you as well!

Looking forward to hearing more!

Dana said...

What a powerful story. We are so impressed with the ability God has given you to communicate-- you are so articulate. We appreciate so much all the pictures and updates. What a profound message. Perhaps each day, we can all strive to help someone who is feeling left out in this world. A Smile or hello may be all it takes. Thank you for the reminder to be more considerate and understanding.

Taylor we miss YOU! Bradley & Sophie miss you too. You will be very sorry to hear that you missed a great hike on Sunday...we even saw alot of snow!!! Yes, snow in July. We are looking forward to Friday. WE Love & Miss you - Mom & Dad