Friday, July 1

Getting to Know You: Sarah L.

Name: Sarah L.
Age: 15
Grade: 10th
Favorite Color: Blue
Are you ready to go? Pretty much.
What are you most excited about? Hanging out with the little kids.
What are you least excited about? The plane ride
What is God working through you with? Being open and comfortable with expressing my opinions.
What do you think Brazil will be like? Awesome
How are you doing on learning Portuguese? Not well, I'm not good with learning languages...
How can people pray for you specifically? That I get enough rest and I don't get sick on the plane ride...


abby2010 said...

You are truely a blessing and an expamle of God's great love. I am so pround of you! Love G-ma

Haley said...

Hi Sarah! So I figured this thing out... :) I wanted to say hi and tell you I'm thinking of you all. Have a great time and a safe trip back hope to all of us. xox