Tuesday, July 19

More Thoughts About Brazil...

I've asked some more of our students to share their thoughts about what they are seeing and learning in Brazil. Please pray for the students and staff as you read over their comments. We are doing well, and are looking forward to coming home. One of our students reminded us that in 48 hours we will all be on a plane heading home! Looking forward to finishing strong and seeing what else God has in store for us!

 Sarah S.
Well, it’s fun here. There’s lots of good work that we’re doing. It’s fun helping out with the kids. The kids love taking pictures. I have many to show for it. They love making faces and blowing bubbles. It’s going to be sad to leave. In a way, I want to stay here and help forever. However, I miss my friends at home way too much. I miss you guys and hope to see you soon.

Miguel J.
The experience here has been awesome as far as how God is moving in the kids and adults. To see the spiritual life of these Brazilians despite the fact that they have much less than we do has been awesome. Experiencing this with my daughter and seeing our relationship grow has been incredible. To see the changes in the students, and my daughter’s ability to share her testimony in front of that large group of people is a blessing. For me, God has shown me to be patient, and that everything doesn’t need to be so busy. I’ve also seen him show me to put Him first. I love that I’ve been able to be here with these youth kids and to be able to share this experience with Reigna. To my family back home, I love you, and I miss you. Please be in prayer for the team and us. I can’t wait to see you! Love you, Miguel

Collin H.
Hello. That’s it! (He was busy at the time I asked… I got more later.) This mission trip has been different for me. It honestly, is not as hard as I expected. I knew that the things we saw, the poverty and different situations people live in, would be difficult to view. However, I am reminded of home. I am reminded that we have people at home, who live in the river-bottoms and have no resources from which to find things. The people here have very little. But, they have houses, even makeshift ones. Often the people in the river-bottoms don’t have a roof over their heads. Don’t misunderstand that the people here are truly deserving of our help. They need our love, but what I am learning is that we have people at home too who need our help. They need our love and support as well, whether it be helping out with a homeless ministry, buying a bag of food and donating it to a local food bank, recycling old clothes or simply giving your time to listen to their story and share the love of Jesus.
Holly M.
For me, being here the second time has been really amazing to see how far the work has come. For three years, I’ve had a picture in my mind of what Brazil was like the last time I left. To come back here and see the progress that has been made is eye opening. God has been working here. It’s like my brain paused the movie when in reality it was more like the DVR function. The program kept playing, though my personal vision was paused. I see it “live” now. At home we see slow progress in the ministry we do, and one can look back over time and see large progress. I ministered for 10 days three years ago, when there were a bunch of little kids who wanted to be held, to be wrapped up in our arms, where they felt safe. These same kids are now laughing, reading, praying in the room across the hall, in school. Now I’ve ministered for nearly 10 days now, and have been able to see the progress of this ministry. It’s great to reflect on the changes we’ve seen. Often we forget to do that at home. It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day, the coming-and-going and the hustle-and-bustle of life. It’s like coming here, you’re able to see this mural he’s painting. When you stand up close you see just a part of it. But if you can step back you see the bigger picture. I think its easy to get discouraged or burnt out in ministry. We see the same people, with many of the same hurts, time after time but we don’t see the long-term. But God is showing me that He doesn’t see things in freeze frame. He doesn’t look at things as they happen, (our hurts, anxieties, trials, even our joys) but rather he knows the end-result. He looks down and sees the love story He has written for us.  He’s been teaching me to be faithful, even when it’s hard. To be faithful when we don’t see Him in the day-to-day. To see the bigger picture.

Rachel P.-
Ummmm… I think God is just reminding me of his size and his splendor and his glory. To think that I could be thousands of miles away from home, and still be able to sing “You Never Let Go” with thousands of people who don’t speak my language, is humbling and amazing. To see that even when you can’t speak someone’s language, that you can still speak to them through a smile, a hug, and “Oi!”, painting nails, etc. If God can use me here, where I can’t even speak the language, how many opportunities do I miss at home, where I can speak the language?
Christina S.-
On this trip God has been teaching me that beauty is not defined by how you look or what you have. Beauty is the joy and kindness inside a person. God has been showing me the people through His eyes, and I can see how beautiful they are and how much they are loved by Him. I thought going on this trip, the language differences would be a big barrier, but even when you don’t know what to say God will speak for you. I am so glad that I had the opportunity to be on this team, and I’m so happy here. To my family, I love you guys.

Savannah P.-
Well, I’m still alive! :) This trip has been very emotional for me. The most important thing God has been teaching me is to open up to the friends that will understand most. I’ve seen a lot on this trip, but what has impacted me most is the children. Seeing them so happy makes me happy to be here. Although I miss my family, friends and boyfriend more than I ever have, I’m so thankful that I’m on this trip. Realizing that God has placed friends everywhere on this earth for us is making me feel safe and even thousands of miles away, I feel at home.
Analyse M.-
Where to start? Brazil is amazing, and when I say that I truly mean it. This city, this church, and these people are passionate and live with a fire and a hope that just seems to blaze for anyone who looks in their direction. Warmth pours from their hearts, and their openness is contagious, allowing all of us to be touched in some way. God has restored and reminded me that He loves me with a love that is unconditional and will never run out. That I’m forgiven and don’t have to prove my worth, because He already did when He died for me. There is an amazing peace and freedom that comes when we can just rest in His lap, knowing that we are His. I send my love to my family and Ryan, miss you guys and I’ll be home soon enough. Been thinking of you Arianna, love you <3


Big Red Beard said...

I didn't know Tiger Woods was there with you!

Steve Geiger said...

It has been so exciting and such a wonderful blessing to follow the team's activities over the past week! Heidi, thank you again for your awesome job in putting together and maintaining this blog!
Nate & Nicole, we love you so much and are very, very proud of you. It's incredibly amazing to see what God can do when we are willing to be used by Him. As Mom said, the house has been a lot less lively without the two of you here. We miss you & look forward to having you back home on Friday and hearing first hand about your experiences in Brazil. Love, Dad

Unknown said...

I like the pic and what then have to said we pray for you every day and i hope you guys are have lot of fun i can what to see you jacque i hopew you have a good time and help a lot of people tell Jacque that we love her and miss her and pround of her so much for doing this hope to see some pic of her so from Jessica and Jack and Rosie and Roxy and Danny