Thursday, July 7

Getting To Know You: Heidi R.

Heidi with her husband and children in Fall of 2009
Name: Heidi R.
Age: 29
Grade: I just finished my last class for my Master's Degree in Education (otherwise known as unemployed!)
Favorite Color: Red or Yellow... depends on the day.
Are you ready to go? I'm excited to go. Ready? Not really!
What are you most excited about? Experiencing the new culture and way of living, and using it to change my views on life. Living what God wants me to experience while I'm there.
What are you least excited about? Missing my own kids back home and the super long flights. I love to fly, but this is a big one!
What is God working through you with? Patience and trust. I'm in the middle of looking for a job and dealing with lots of rejection lately, so I'm learning not to take that personally, and that I need to trust Him and His plan for our lives.
What do you think Brazil will be like? I think it will be incredibly beautiful and an awesome opportunity for me (and our team) to stretch us and grow us into what He wants us to be. I think it will also provide challenges and hurdles that we'll look back on and giggle about, but at the time will tax our patience and love.
How are you doing on learning Portuguese? I have no idea... It's good that it's somewhat close to Spanish. I feel like I can fake it... Sorry Rachel, you may want to find a new translator! :)
How can people pray for you specifically? Pray that I can let go of the stress from the job hunt and focus on what God wants to share with me there. Pray that I have my eyes opened to what He wants to share with me and that I would be willing to step outside of my comfort zones and experience the trip to its fullest. Also, please pray for our team that medical issues don't pop up and that we remain healthy and physically able to complete the tasks set forth before us.

1 comment:

stephanie scellato said...

Heidi, Thank you for writing the blog. What a blessing you are. I can see all the beauty that lies within you through your passionate writing. Thank you for being transparent and also for sharing your apparent talent in writing for us all.I feel as though I have tasted Brazil. Love Steph