Saturday, July 9

Getting To Know You: Holly M.

Name: Holly M.
Age: 20.5 (yesterday was my half-birthday!!)
Grade: Junior in college
Favorite Color: It changes, but today I'm really digging cerulean blue.
Are you ready to go? If I say yes, can we leave sooner?? :]
What are you most excited about? Serving Jesus alongside old friends while making lots of new ones!
What are you least excited about? Ten days without sweet tea.
What is God working through you with? God has really been working on me about self-control and discipline in my life.
What do you think Brazil will be like? It'll be kind of like the Promised Land in my life. A land flowing with rice and beans!
How are you doing on learning Portuguese? Well I guess I COULD learn Portuguese, but I actually enjoy the challenge of a ten day long game of charades!
How can people pray for you specifically? Pray that I'll seek to be so filled with the Holy Spirit and so emptied of myself that when people look at my life, they see Christ. (Let's face it, I don't speak Portuguese AT ALL and I'm kind of terrible at charades. I need the Holy Spirit to fill my life and say what words won't be able to on this trip) Pray also that I'll have an open heart to see what God has to teach ME while we're there.


Tony said...

Glad to see you are safely there with the rest of the group (pictures don't lie - lol). What an adventure you and Katelyn must have had with the delayed flights etc. but it is clear that God's hand is clearly on you. I love you and I'm praying for you and the whole group everyday. Can't wait to see you and can't wait to hear what God does through you.
P.S. - loved your question answers!

Tony said...

Have been watching the blog and seeing the work!! I know God is really using you to do great things for him! Am praying for you all daily and can't wait to see/hear about it all!! Hope Sugar Loaf was bearable!!!

I love you!